Thursday, June 20, 2019

Kaleidoscope Sea Glass Large Copper Outdoor Wind Chimes

Large outdoor kaleidoscope sea glass wind chime by Coast Chimes
Kaleidoscope Wind Chime
at Coast Chimes

Busy days at Coast Chimes. Lately, the focus has been on making Kaleidoscope wind chimes. They take a long time to make, between all the handmade hardware on the chimes, the double brushing, the treatment of the copper, the artist-made sea glass, the cedar box frame, and so on...

But the end result is breath taking. Even after all these years, as the light filters through from behind I am freshly impressed by the effect. So cool!

I just finished a series of rectangular style. Soon I will be making more diamond-shaped ones, both big and small style. In between, I'll take a little break from the woodwork, and make some glass small and large wind chimes and maybe some suncatchers for those who either do not like chimes, or who are not allowed to have them in their condo (by the way, if you are in such a situation, a lot of people hang these wind chimes indoors-- really nice!).

We will likely soon be into even warmer days, and those are the days I wait all year for. I will take 2-3 hours off each sunny, warm, afternoon to hike, bike, laze on the beach with a book, swim. That's my sort of holiday!

Visit my website to see all the new kaleidoscope wind chimes, and other good things, too! Coast Chimes

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