Saturday, June 17, 2006

If at first you do not suceed...

The MicFlex ~ a nice little USB mic that seems to do a good job.

My first effort at a chime sound file got mixed reviews: some said fine, others said not loud enough. Thank you all for your opinions. I picked up a neat little USB mic, and have tried to capture a better, louder clip. Any comments deeply appreciated.


  1. Worked fine for me, and it did seem to have more depth of sound than the other one did.

    The first time I clicked on it, it froze my FF, but that turned out to be because I needed to upgrade my Quicktime. When I came back to it, it installed the update correctly, played just fine, and all worked properly.

  2. Thank you very much for trying it out. I appreciate it! I hope to get a few more comments before using it in my auctions. Regards, Tim~
