Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Say No to Grass Lawns

No Grass to Cut Backyard Landscape
No Lawn Mower Needed
No Noise
No C02
Consider Replacing Your Grass

A Lawn Mower is estimated to pollute in one hour as much as 40 late model cars! That's according to the EPA. Think about that the next time you drag out your walk behind to trim your lawn. It is estimated Americans burn more than 600 million gallons of gas per year mowing their lawns. That's 2, 271, 247, 070 litres. How ironic that without doubt a fair number of these lawn mowing people are at the same time concerned about global warming, taking steps to reduce their use of plastic, and so on.

There are numerous no water / low water, no need to cut options for replacing your lawn. Even better, a number of the options involve food plants-- instead of wasting time walking back and forth polluting the environment and causing noise pollution, you could sit back, relax, and then grab a bucket full of delicious organic treats for your meal.

That is exactly what we do, with our small backyard (pictured above).

The amount of food that even a very small yard can produce is awesome. Granted, if you want some crops, most involve some work. But probably not a lot more effort than tending to that boring green grass you weed-and-feed, water, cut. 

Even better. Perhaps you have heard that bees are in trouble? Do you think your flowerless green grass is doing anything for them? Nope. But put in something like the creeping thyme (the purple flowers above), and watch them dance!

If you are a home owner, I urge you to think about how you use the bit of earth you own. If enough people replace their grass, maybe we won't have to suffer through the constant whir and buzz of lawn machinery all spring and summer. That would be a great added bonus.

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