16 of the 21 chime bottom sections set to ship.
I've all but finished the large order (21 sets of kaleidoscope wind chimes). And that feels great! It will feel even better when they are all completely done, and shipped (and the check arrives!).
I am so pleased that the customer opted for my brushed and polished chimes, instead of my antiqued finish chimes. I am not sure I could have coped with applying that labor intensive finish to this many chimes in one sitting.
I am also pleased my oldest son was home just at this moment to do all the double brushing of these chimes. It was good for him to make some money, and excellent for me not to have to do that. Back in the days when I used to only make this style (double brushed), he was the one who did all the brushing, so there was no training involved. He is a fabulous worker, really putting his back to the chore, and doing a great job.
The top sections are also all done, but I need more eye hooklets and the store is sold out (I wonder who bought all those!). Once I get more of those, and my copper shop gets around to cutting sales for me to finish, the job will be done.
Right now, I am looking so forward to starting work on my own projects, building stock for the Christmas rush. Yesterday I spent four hours cleaning my workshop: it was a mess! All is ready now. All is good.
Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!