New Mexico met and exceeded my expectations: Fabulous!
Back from a three week drive down to New Mexico and straight to more work than I have ever faced before. Busy!
The trip to New Mexico was fabulous. We camped the whole way (except for one night). As usual, I was so impressed by the USA campsites: far better than almost any I have been to in Canada. In the USA, they get it-- many people like to camp in tents. In Canada, almost all the sites are set up for vehicles. You get a hard patch of gravel that is usually almost impossible to pound tent stakes into. You see many more people camping in tents in the USA than in Canada, and I suspect that providing these tent friendly sites is one reason.
Anyway, New Mexico was even more amazing than I had hoped, and I had high hopes! Oregon was as always top notch, too.
When I came back, I had some orders lined up from things that sold while I was away, and then more and more came in. There is a corporate order for 21 wind chimes that I am currently working like crazy to get done, and also a wholesale order that I need to get done ASAP.
So work, and more work, and it 's all good, because the weather is great, the days are long, and it's all going to get done.
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