For more information, or to buy this wind chime, Click Here.
Every year it seems people wait a little longer for their online holiday shopping. It got pretty crazy at the end of last week, and over the weekend. That's great, as I always need money for groceries and the dog has to go to the vet today for his (expensive) shots and check-up. But it certainly is a bit stressful to have to pack and ship super fast, and then have another order come in, and have to pack and ship again. There are little things that add to the fun. Like now I always include a gift of my copper earrings, and I never have enough of those made in advance. So I need to run out to my wet workshop and pound out a pair in the rain, and then scamper back inside. Then another order comes through, and it's back out to make another pair of earrings!
Last year some people who received my work as a gift took the time to email me a thank you note. I found that remarkable. I don't think anyone writes to the Sony Corporation, to thank them for their video camera! It was really sweet to get those emails, and to know that I had helped to make Christmas special for some people. Most stuff falls apart, gets outdated, stops working, but I know my wind chimes play on.
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